January 9, 2014

>> >> Traditional Herbal Medicine, Professional Healer

Traditional Herbal Medicine, Professional Healer

Traditional Herbal Medicine
Everyone has felt the pain and therefore he requires medication and/or treatment. Treatment for the disease is said to be classified according to the materials used herbal medicine, traditional or modern drugs that are synthesized by the professional experts. All the ingredients are basically the same, be efficacious due to the content of its various chemical compounds.

Along with the advancement of science and its application, various types of drugs have been created with the aim of getting healthy humans. However, due to the side effects of synthetic drugs and other pathogenic bacteria make cause a variety of diseases adapt to increasingly resistant to drugs and disease would be relatively difficult to cure.

This phenomenon is seen with the increasing proliferation of organic foods are more healthful and more widespread alternative medicine services. The world is a multicultural place has a lot of local knowledge such as the treatment of diseases with traditional herbal medicine. 

Traditional herbal medicine has long been used by our ancestors in times of sickness, to treat a variety of diseases, and make the body healthy and fit. Effects and efficacy of traditional herbal medicine in treating pain and eliminate the disease can hardly indisputable, it is characterized by their physical healthy and protected from various diseases so that they age relatively longer than humans "present" to drugs and treatments that modern and sophisticated.

Conclusion The above does not mean that synthetic drugs and modern medicine with advanced tools are less effective. It is actually spur that synthetic drugs become more effective in curing various diseases by keeping the extraction as chemical compounds that are important in traditional herbal ingredients that are not exposed to contaminants, not destroy organic compounds that are sensitive, do not rely solely work production machinery in the pharmaceutical industry but must involve a sincere heart and a friendly smile as the presenting herbal medicine herbalist and so forth.

Traditional herbal ingredients usually consist herbs available in nature such as turmeric, kencur, betel leaves, ginger, bitter and brotowali. The ingredients of this herb is very easy to obtain and contains many properties. Efficacy mounting - efficacy is determined by the chemical compounds contained.

1. Turmeric has long been used as an anti-itch and anti-spasm, relieve nasal congestion, drug gingivitis (swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth). In addition, turmeric root tuber is cool and clean the stomach, removing the excess gas in the intestines, stop bleeding and prevent blood coagulation. In the Chinese pharmacopoeia, turmeric is also used for chest and abdominal pain, arm pain and injuries.

The most important function of turmeric is neuroprotective, reducing the risk of brain inflammation vasopasma, and restore homeostasis (equilibrium dynamic environment regulatory mechanism in the organism) in the energy system of the brain that is disrupted by injury or trauma.

This last function is caused turmeric contain compounds called polyphenols curcumin, C21H20O6 .

2. Powder is a couple that is always paired with turmeric well as cooking spices and as an ingredient in traditional herbal medicine. Powder containing various constituent components include starch, minerals and essential oils consisting of ethanoic acid, aldehydes, esters and others. Various content makes kencur has several properties, namely as a carminative (helps expenses as a result of wind from the stomach bloating or cold), stimulants (giving and stimuli that evoke more fit and energetic in the move), and expectorant (cough cure by means of dilute and remove phlegm).

Especially the rhizomes of ginger as well as turmeric contains curcumin, although only 1.6 to 2.2% of the overall weight of the rhizomes. The other is the volatile oil content of about 1.48 to 1.63% and the starch content of which is the largest reaching 48 to 59.64% overall weight .

3. The content of such root ginger rhizome can make it function as anti-cholesterol, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, cancer prevention and helps the kidneys work. other than that, there is a specific function of root ginger rhizome against two human organs namely liver and pancreas.

Nutritious root ginger rhizome protect the liver from hepatitis (inflammation of the liver due contained toxic substances or agents that cause infection). Root ginger rhizome also serve to protect the pancreas from the consequences of cytokines ratio (number of organic compounds can be proteins, peptides or glycoproteins from the cell secretions that affect other cells or that serves as a communication signal).

4. Betel has been known for a long time by women, especially mothers to treat complaints of vaginal discharge (fluor albus). Meanwhile, another benefit is to close part of the female sex (vaginal), eliminate body odor, shrink the uterus and abdomen, as well as to strengthen the teeth. Betel functions are closely related to women is due mainly betel leaves contain many essential oils such as β - linalol, o - alifenol, 2 - methoxy - 4 - (1-propenyl) phenol, isokaryofilen, α - karyofilen and others.

5. Bitter herbs commonly used in traditional (bitter taste). Bitter taste due to the presence of compounds that includes andrographolide laktone. Laktone other compounds contained in the bitter is 12 - dehydrogenase-andrographolide and deoxy-andrographolide. Andrographolide laktone compounds that give a bitter taste in the bitter sensation became efficacy determinants and function of bitter as hepatoprotective (protects liver cells from toxic substances).

6. Brotowali commonly used as an ingredient of traditional herbal medicine as efficacious in curing rheumatism, cholera, jaundice, diabetes and others. In addition, the content of pikrotein brotowali helps the nerves that work to normalize and smooth breathing. Brotowali also contains many alkaloids. One of the alkaloid contained in the alkaloid berberine brotowali is useful for killing bacteria in the wound.

Thus articles about traditional herbal medicine for healing professionals, see also the article about 10 traditional herb for 10 kinds of diseases.

Regards healthy

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