November 7, 2013

>> >> Fever In Pregnancy

Fever In Pregnancy

Fever In Pregnancy
6 marks one of the main dangers of pregnancy is fever.

Fever occurs because our bodies intruding foreign body, then the body is trying to kill the foreign body by increasing the temperature. So, if your body fever, a sign of a foreign body into our bodies, and it means it is a reminder of our bodies if there are irregularities.

Continues, what is the same danger of pregnancy?

Fever in pregnancy not really dangerous if handled as soon as possible because if a fever, the body will release the hormone prostaglandin, which the prostaglandin hormones that trigger contractions.

If maternal fever, continued to realese prostaglandins and finally contraction, the baby is likely to experience premature birth if the gestational age is less than 37 weeks of spontaneous abortion can occur even if the pregnancy is under 14 weeks then, if we have a fever during pregnancy, immediately contact your midwife/obstetrician nearby.

But, if for example we no longer live in remote areas where there are areas of health care workers , the treatment of fever in pregnancy in a way adequate rest, eat lots of nutritious food and the most important is to drink lots of water.

Because, with drinking water will speed up your metabolism so that body heat accelerates evaporation, besides indeed if fever attempted to drink plenty of water.

Why not drink febrifuge wrote, for example paracetamol?

Actually, the drug was toxic principle, so if we take the medicine then the medicine will be absorbed into the pregnant mother and the baby's body through the placenta so the circumstantial will poison the baby's body.

So, if you are pregnant try as much as possible do not take medication, except iron/supplements. says the article about fever in pregnancy. May be useful ..

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