Dr. James D'Adamo and Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, author of "Eat Right For Your Type" never conducted a study on patients over the years. They concluded that each blood type has a different treatment, both in terms of diet, healthy, sport, etc.
Blood type O patients improve the situation have been given a high-protein foods and will be more refreshed and energetic after a fairly strenuous exercise, such as, running, martial arts, and jogging.
Those with blood type O have to be careful with dairy products, especially cow's milk contains a lot of fat, because blood type O is difficult to change fat into energy. Instead, they can consume soy milk. Blood type O can respond with a good oil and grease. Oils and fats are an important source of nutrients for the body and helps the process of defecation. Examples of oils that are consumed olive oil and flaxseed oil contain omega fatty acids of this type. These oils have a positive impact on the heart and blood vessels, and can help lower blood cholesterol.
Vegetables and legumes such as beans and peas should be avoided by those with blood type O because both contain lectins that are stored under the muscle tissue that makes it not so sour. If this lectins unused will cause the onset of pain is identical with rheumatism. Instead, try to obtain most of the protein from meat.
In addition to beans, other vegetables that cause major problems for those with blood type O is the cabbage. These vegetables inhibit thyroid function, which is weaker in their bodies with blood type O than those with other blood group. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin K, such as broccoli and asparagus is very good for those with blood type this.
Various types of fruit can be consumed by those with blood type O. Aside from being a source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, fruits can also be a substitute for bread. However, there are also pieces that should be avoided such as sweet oranges and tangerines because of the high acid content and will increase intestinal poisoning. Fruits can be presented in the form of juice. Those with blood type O have to be careful because drinking coffee can increase stomach acid levels.
Source : (Based on the book Blood Herbal Therapy)
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